Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shopping Carts

Some of Jack's most entertaining moments happen while we're out shopping and he's riding in the cart. Here are a few of them....

This one is from Ikea. Jack absolutely hates Ikea and so we are constantly trying to find new ways to entertain him while we're there. We turned a colander into a hat. And yes, we bought it.

This was taken at Target. He really liked the floppy straw hats. When we put it on him, he kept saying "Like CHUCK!" I can only assume that my mom's fiance, Chuck, has a straw hat similar to this one. Don't worry, Chuck, we won't tell anyone.

This was taken at Sam's Club. Jack has a slight obsession with all things musical. So when we saw a couple of guitars on display at Sam's, we walked by them and I started strumming. Jack thought it was the funniest. thing. ever. EVER. He couldn't stop laughing.

1 comment:

Givinya De Elba said...

Hiya Stephanie! I like your blog's new look :) (Hey, your old one was great too!) Jack's having an awesome time in that cart, what lovely pics.